Autonomous Thinking: The Art Of Thinking For Oneself And Acting Proactively


Course Overview

The “Autonomous Thinking: The Art of Thinking for Oneself and Acting Proactively” training program empowers individuals with the skills and mindset needed to engage in independent, critical thinking and take proactive actions in both personal and professional spheres. This course explores the concepts of autonomy, self-directed thought, and proactive decision-making, fostering the development of individuals who can navigate complex situations with confidence and self-reliance.

Course Objectives:

Upon completing this training, participants will:

  • Master Autonomous Thinking: Develop the ability to think independently and critically, free from external influences or biases.
  • Proactive Decision-Making: Acquire decision-making skills and taking the initiative confidently and proactively.
  • Self-Reflection: Foster self-awareness and self-assessment to continuously improve one’s thought processes and actions.
  • Effective Problem Solving: Enhance problem-solving skills by applying autonomous thinking to complex challenges.
  • Effective Communication: Improve the ability to communicate thoughts, ideas, and decisions clearly and persuasively.
  • Leadership Skills: Develop leadership qualities by leading oneself effectively and setting an example for others.
  • Embrace Change: Learn to embrace change positively, adapting autonomously to evolving circumstances.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Exhibit the capacity to think autonomously, Autonomous Thinking: The Art Of Thinking For Oneself And Acting Proactively 53 Innovation and Strategy Courses free from undue influence or bias.
  • Apply autonomous thinking to solve complex problems efficiently and independently.
  • Communicate thoughts, ideas, and decisions persuasively and with clarity.
  • Demonstrate leadership skills by effectively leading oneself and setting an example for others.

Additional information

Course Introduction

The "Autonomous Thinking: The Art of Thinking for Oneself and Acting Proactively" training program empowers individuals with the skills and mindset needed to engage in independent, critical thinking and take proactive actions in both personal and professional spheres.

Course Fee



Jun 3-6 (Lagos), Abuja: Oct 8-12 ,2024(Abuja)


4 days


Lagos, Abuja

Target Audience

Directors/Deputy Directors, Senior Managers in Finance, Sales, marketing, HR and Production, Team Leaders, Process Leaders, Functional Managers, Project Managers , Newly appointed Seniors

Original price was: ₦550,000.00.Current price is: ₦500,000.00.